
Freedom Friday: How Do We Support Youth Activism?

Written by Ed Post Staff | Apr 7, 2023 4:37:19 PM

Freedom Friday - On Youth Activism

This week on the Freedom Friday live stream, Chris and Sharif discussed the youth activism we are witnessing play out in Nashville, Tennessee following yet another school shooting. In the episode, they touch on the historic role of youth voice in activism, how older generations should be listening, learning, and supporting young people doing the work, and lessons to be shared with them.

Show Notes:

Chris and Sharif discuss an impassioned message to Gen Z from longtime activist and educator Fasaha Traylor.

Chris runs down some historic examples of youth activism: newsboys striking in New York, the little rock nine facing extreme hate as they integrate a high school, young folks risking their lives to stage sit-ins in Greensboro, a massive walkout of chicano students in Los Angeles in 1968, and more recently, massive protests in Ferguson, Missouri. 

Join us in the Freedom Friday community and enjoy the rest of the conversation as Chris and Sharif discuss strategies for uplifting the work of youth activists and the causes they champion.