
UNCF Joins Coalition in Sending Letter to the NAACP Regarding Proposed Moratorium on Charter Schools

Written by Michael Lomax | Sep 23, 2016 4:00:00 AM
In a press release issued Wednesday, September 21, the UNCF joins more than 160 education and community leaders in asking the NAACP to reconsider a proposed resolution that calls for a moratorium on charter school growth across the country. UNCF joined the coalition by signing a letter sent to NAACP on Wednesday, stating a desire to meet with NAACP leaders to better inform them about how charter schools are helping Black families. Read UNCF’s statement by president and CEO, Dr. Michael L. Lomax: “We all know there is no perfect system—traditional, charter, or private schools. We have seen issues arise in all sectors. All schools that fail to produce excellent educational outcomes should be held accountable for their actions. But as the letter explains, a blanket moratorium on charter schools would limit students’ access to some of the best schools and deny parents the opportunity to make decisions about what’s best for their children. “What we want is for parents to be able to choose the best possible option for their children. There should not be a “one-size-fits-all” approach in education, and parents often want the option to select the schools that best meet their needs and set their children up for success. And even more importantly, our studies have shown that Black parents overwhelmingly support charter schools and being able to choose the best option for their children. “As policymakers and other groups seek to reform education, some students (namely, low-income students of color) are still languishing in failing schools. Waiting to address these issues means that these students are falling farther behind in the midst of all the changes. But we should be clear that creating options does not mean that we don’t work to reform all schools. Providing educational options, such as charters, helps ensure that all families have the opportunity to gain access to a high-quality education, no matter their zip code.”