Every time a new article or video about the lack of teachers of color in the classroom is released, I listen to White teachers declare surprise, confusion and even shock. Their reaction is a perfect...
“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.”—Proverbs 13:12 These days when you hear about D.C. Public Schools (DCPS), you probably don’t think of students winning...
I was only 11 years old the first time I witnessed a murder. I knew the man who was shot, and I saw his face opening as the assailant “unloaded” on him. His head hanging back on the headrest, neck...
My father came to the United States when he was 5 years old to work as a migrant worker in the fields. That makes him a Dreamer—in more ways than one. From what he tells me, [pullquote...
On Saturday, my friend and I made our way to March For Our Lives by taking the D.C. Metro to L’Enfant Plaza. Among our fellow riders was a little boy and his mom. The boy wore knitted mitten toppers...