Achievement Gap
Schools Don't Need to Ban Homework, They Just Need to Make It Better
School districts around the country are doing away with homework, according to the latest education headlines. But research clearly shows that the solution to homework isn’t to abolish it. Instead,...
student achievement
Holding Teachers Accountable Without Adequate Teacher Prep Programs Is a Set-Up
One of my resolutions for this new year is to think outside of silos and to start connecting the dots between the wide, disparate, and interwoven factors within education, among them teacher...
After a Year Like 2018, Teachers Can No Longer Stay Silent About Injustice
After a year like this one, I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting and questioning how so many injustices can still exist in our nation today. Just think about it. In 2018, we saw two Black men get...
December Can Be Tough. Let’s Bring Empathy and Grace Into Our Schools in the New Year
Everyday moments have the power to transform our thinking around the most important ideas in education. I was stopped cold in my tracks by just such a moment recently. One recent morning, a problem...
Three Things I Learned in My First Year as a Principal and a New Year’s Resolution
If you ask an educator to think back to their first year of teaching, you will probably get a wide range of reactions, but the general consensus will likely be that it was a difficult year. This...
Strong Student Relationships Aren't Just Beneficial, They're Essential
As educators, we have each had the pleasure of teaching at least one “challenging” student. Some of us have had the privilege of educating the “challenging” student every year of our career. Have you...