I Show the Black Boys in My Classroom What's Possible
Trinity Gardens, Houston, Texas. A community that was rich with family, love and pride. A neighborhood that contributed to the uniqueness of the north side communities in the Greater Houston area. As...
I Didn't Think Personalized Learning Would Be Right For My Classroom But I'm So Glad I Was Wrong
In my first year of teaching I had the opportunity to teach in a school that was piloting personalized learning. As I got more comfortable with teaching and as I saw how diverse my classroom was, I...
Even in Death, Black and Brown Students Are Dehumanized
In my second year of teaching, I had a notorious student we’ll call Israel. After the first day of class, we sat down and discussed appropriate expectations, whom he could work well with and we...
Afi Tagnedji's Making Sure Students' Voices Are Heard in the Equity Conversation
Everyone is talking about how schools should care about equity for their students, but that can’t be the whole conversation. Equity has to mean more than just policies or decisions made for...
New to Teaching? These 4 Tips Will Improve Your Classroom
I’m still less than a year into my new role as a teacher coach specializing in supporting first-year teachers, but here are four things that have stood out as major levers for novice teachers to...
Puberty Is Hard, and So Is Teaching About It
Puberty is hard. Teaching it ain’t easy either. Still, those “what happens to my body” conversations are a perfect test-case for why school is pretty important. Yes, this is a conversation that many...