It Cost Nearly $250K to Teach My Son to Read. Here’s How to Do Better for Less.
My formerly illiterate fourth-grade son is now an eighth-grader at The Windward School for Children with Dyslexia, where he learned to read. Next year, he will attend Bard High School Early College...
I Can't Say Thank You Enough to My Late High School Teacher Mr. Murphy
As we wrap up Teacher Appreciation Week, I’ve done some reflecting about my own years as a student. There are teachers who have a lasting impact on our lives and on April 2, I lost one of mine. Mr....
Teacher-Led Advocacy Isn't a Choice, It's Just What We Do
Historically, Teacher Appreciation Week has included cute coffee mugs stuffed with candy and treats for beloved teachers. Apple themed gift baskets, Starbucks cards and handmade gifts from students...
We Can Do Better Than Just Thanking Teachers With Free Coffee and Donuts
One Teacher Appreciation Week years ago, we each remember being thrilled to find letters from our principal in our school mailboxes thanking us for all our wonderful work that year and commenting on...
Well, Damn. I Am 'Just a Teacher' and Proud of It.
OK, so here’s this embarrassing thing I did recently. I kinda promised myself I would never admit this to anyone, so please don’t tell. It was my friend’s birthday, and my friend is this super...
Why We're Struggling to Keep Teachers in Our Most Vulnerable Schools
A recent article from the Philadelphia Inquirer revealed truths that, while saddening, troubling and infuriating, were not exactly surprising. High teacher turnover hurts kids and diminishes their...