“We’re in the fight of our lives,” according to a number of chartered public school educators with whom I met at the recent National Alliance for Public Charter Schools summer conference. Having...
In a recent training on culturally responsive teaching, I was introduced to a theory called the "Stages of Multicultural Transformation." It goes something like this. Default curriculums, otherwise...
Two-thirds of Chicago’s teachers spend hours on the weekend scouring websites like Pinterest and Teachers Pay Teachers because they say they don’t have up-to-date, culturally relevant curricula—and...
School discipline will always be a hotly debated topic. As an advocate, I have argued for more proactive, inclusionary practices that address prevention rather than reaction, but I realize that the...
Another week, another headline about the urgency of jettisoning efforts to improve teaching and learning for all kids and instead laser-focusing on ending segregation in public schools. This time...