Teachers Don't Need More Work. They Need Help, Grace and Understanding.
Early on in the pandemic, the hope for “reimagined” education and an overdue acknowledgment of teachers’ heroism dominated narratives about schools. Educators across the country were indeed heroic in...
Stop What You're Doing and Thank a Black Teacher
Stop what you’re doing and go thank a Black teacher. You may be reading this and unable to leave your classroom or current place of business. But whether online or in-person, take time out today to...
Here's Why It's More Important Than Ever to Support Black Teachers
“I Fear I May Have Integrated My People Into a Burning House.” — Martin Luther King Jr. It is no secret that there is a widening diversity gap between our public school students and our public school...
Minneapolis NAACP, Black Teachers Call Out Racism Behind Recent Teacher Strike
The Minneapolis NAACP held a press conference at the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers offices Thursday afternoon to unveil "the truth behind the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers (MFT) deception"...
It’s Time to Rethink the Way We Evaluate Our Teachers
“Ms. Avalos, tell me I’m right!” Darrien and his lab group crowd my desk. “But it doesn’t make any sense,” argues Jocelyn, “Why would it go up?” My students are in the middle of a physics lesson on...
We Must Integrate Data Literacy Into Teacher Prep, And It's Easier Than You Think
When my colleagues and I asked a group of pre-service teachers to graph and make a claim about data, the response we got surprised us. “Data exploration is completely new to me,” said a college...