The romanticized narrative of Thanksgiving continues to thrive in many schools, but “Native Americans have been speaking out and writing back against the colonialist narrative of Thanksgiving for as...
In the elementary classroom, teachers often shy away from teaching a more critical viewpoint of “traditional history” for fear of how this shift will be received by parents or others. However, they...
Since urging my preschool to eliminate Columbus Day from the school calendar, I continuously contemplate how to teach about Native Americans, and especially Thanksgiving, in the most developmentally...
I gasped as I opened the op-ed section of the New York Times and read Senator Cory Booker’s column repudiating his regressive stance on public charter schools. Until he entered the Democratic...
It’s the end of a year, decade, era. While Education Post hasn’t existed for the entirety of the 2010s, we’ve seen a lot of phenomenal conversations happen on our digital pages. There have been harsh...