student support
The Most Important Resource I Can Offer My Students Right Now Is Access to Me
When Texas Governor Greg Abbott shuttered schools for the rest of the academic year, the first person I thought of was one of my first-grade students, Maria. She is one of my best and brightest first...
We Can't Return to Status Quo When This Pandemic Is Over
Just by way of introduction, let me begin this post the way I have begun most conversations in the past month: I am both exhausted and privileged to be so. Privileged because I have a job that, so...
When We Run Out of Normal, We Learn to Make Some
My grandmother once said to me, Cuando ya no estoy, quiero que sigas siendo fuerte. Firme. Firme como la palma. Puede soplar el viento y batirte pero no te puede tumbar. When I’m not here [anymore],...
Teaching During COVID-19 Is Both a Gift and a Curse. Hear Me Out.
I took a course earlier this year called “Innovation in Education” and the first thing we all acknowledged was that education is the one industry where change is stifled by fear. The risk of getting...
I Know What My Parents and Students Need Because I Asked Them
When Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker announced that schools and non-emergency childcare programs in the state would remain closed through May 4, I held on to the belief that we will return, but...
I Used to Like Dr. Oz, But Now He's Coming for the Children
Dr. Mehmet Oz says we need our mojo back! This week he appeared on “The Sean Hannity Show” to pontificate a possible plan for the re-opening of America after COVID-19 closed schools and businesses,...