Hey Shawnta! I Hate My School, My Principal, and My Job. I Love the Students, but I Don’t Think I Can Make It Through This Year. What Should I Do?
Hey Shawnta! I hate my school. I hate my principal. I hate my job. I love the students but don’t think I can make it through this year. What should I do? Sincerely, Love the Kids; Hate the Job Hi...
Wise Use of Time Creates Calmer, Kinder Schools
For my student Andrea, the seven-hour school day is a grind. She is at school early and has AP Calculus for first period, even though she is only partially awake at that hour. She will sit in her...
Across Colors Ep. 2: Oh, It’s Both of Y’all!
Episode Summary Tanzina heads to Oakland where a battle over how to teach students essential skills like reading has emerged. Some educators say methods for teaching students to read have long been...
Hey Shawnta! How Do I Build a Relationship With My Child’s Teacher When We Only Connect Through Remind?
When my sons were in elementary school, we received communication in various ways. We received it through the folder in my sons’ backpacks, email, phone calls, Class Dojo, Bloomz, and via Smore...
Here's How We Can Fix the Teacher Shortage and Raise Teacher Quality
The American teacher shortage is headlining news stories and infiltrating social media, although there’s little consensus on whether this shortage is new or if it even exists. My Twitter feed is...
Criticizing Teachers Who Leave Will Not Fix the Teacher Shortage
I’ve come to accept that no matter how much I love teaching, the education system will never love me back. I’ve known this for a while, but a part of me used to believe that the system would one day...