Black Students Are Waiting for a 'Jingle Jangle' Moment
“Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey” is a new Christmas movie on Netflix that premiered earlier this month. The movie begins with two children sitting in front of the fireplace and then their...
School Discipline
It's Not a Discipline Problem, You're Just Not Engaging Your Students
Here’s a dirty little secret about teachers that few people care to admit: Many teachers with poor classroom management aren’t strong instructional. I would never assume that a teacher without...
School Choice
Review: Schneider and Berkshire’s 'A Wolf at the Schoolhouse Door' Is a Missed Opportunity
“A Wolf at the Schoolhouse Door,” the new book from education professor Jack Schneider and writer Jennifer Berkshire, purports to tell the story of the dismantling of public education. Although I...
Special Education
Teachers Can Legally Hit Your Children in 19 States. Let's Talk About It.
This past year has tested more than our mettle as educators; it’s tested our investment in the causes we claim as ours. I mean, it’s one thing to have “liked” a post about anti-racism or...
Don’t Mistake Black Voter Turnout as Renewed Faith in the Democratic Party. Y’all Owe Us Bigly.
The presidential election had me so stressed that I had to run my ass across the border to the beaches and palm trees in Mexico to save my sanity. Thankfully by the time I’d landed, we had a new...
The Elections Are Over, But Education Politics Aren't. Are You Ready?
Elections have consequences. This phrase is often cited, and in the wake of last week’s elections, I find myself alongside other educators, reeling in the wake of the consequences that are already...