We Owe It to Our Students to Do Some Racial Justice Homework This Summer
This has been the longest year of my teaching career. Not literally, of course. Like many of you, I’ve worked about 200 days since last August, just as I do every year. Every educator, however, knows...
5 Tips to Rid Your School Faculty of Racists
The insurrection of January 6, 2021 was a dark day in our nation’s history. What makes it even darker is that public servants took part in the dysfunction. In attendance that day were police...
6 Questions Every Black Teacher Should Ask When Joining a New School
For many teachers, the end of the school year not only serves as an opportunity to deeply reflect on how the year went, but also a time to reevaluate whether our current schools are still the right...
student achievement
Black Principals Can Serve as a Bridge To Get More Black Teachers Into the Classroom
The research is clear on the impact of Black teachers on Black student achievement. Black students who have had at least one Black teacher are more likely to graduate from high school, attend college...
student achievement
5 Ways We Can Start to Dismantle White Supremacy in Our Schools
All children deserve a good education, but too many of them do not receive one. Unsurprisingly, students who are most likely to attend under-resourced schools with underprepared teachers are poor,...
The System Is Not Built for Teachers to Have an Opinion
At the close of the 2020-2021 school year, I experienced the most significant “break-up” of my life. The following is my unexpected farewell to teaching ......