While much of the education reform world was convening in Austin for the annual charter schools conference this week, I snuck off to Albuquerque for the New Mexico Teacher Summit at the invitation of...
It’s June. The classroom walls are bare. The grit outlined empty spaces left behind by charts, posters, reading lists and student work jut out starkly against the grime. The books are packed away...
As we come to the end of another school year, I’ve been thinking a great deal about the teachers and parents who have dared to demand something different in our public schools. These are not...
The end of the school year is always my favorite time. With standardized assessments finished, it’s my time to finally breathe, slow down to reflect on the year and work on my goals. Recently, I...
In light of recent school shootings, one of the proposed solutions has been to put more school police officers in schools. In the last 30 years, we have dramatically increased the presence of police...