My two boys, ages 12 and 9, are my top priority. I have been actively and attentively helping them to learn the skills that will allow them to navigate their world since the day they were born. My...
This back-to-school season, more than 700 million students across the globe will attend primary schools (representing 90 percent of school-age children worldwide), with another half billion students...
I’ve always known the education system is a like a large, slow freighter. Teaching in a public school for two decades reveals to anyone that this ship is slow, hulking and hard to turn. But it wasn’t...
My son loved everything about school, until he didn’t. He was eager to learn, read, write and make friends. At 5, he had already had varied life experiences. He was born in Germany, had traveled to...
Yes, I’m addressing you directly as white teachers. That may feel uncomfortable. You’re going to have to get over that, or this is going to be pretty rough. If you are white, and you are going to be...