

Why We Should Care About What We Don't Understand in Education

When discussing "failing" schools, we often skim the surface. We look at test scores, graduation rates, or the condition of the buildings. But behind all of that is a world most of us never see. It's...

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What AP African American Studies and “The Holdovers” Have in Common

Too often, when people hear the words “intellectual rigor,” they associate it with a cantankerous, sage-on-the-stage pedagogy. The most recent pop-culture take on the stereotype appears in “The...

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whole child

Building a Brighter Future: Overcoming Educational Challenges Post-Pandemic

The masks are off. Social distancing is no more. We're vaccinated, and the national nightmare is over. Or is it? In the wake of the COVID-19 worldwide shutdown, we find ourselves with a problem...

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Beyond the Basics: 3 Key Yet Uncommon Tasks for Back-to-School Prep

Preparing for a brand new school year is exciting and stressful for teachers! So many tasks to complete in such a limited amount of time. From attending back-to-school professional development...

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Black Educators: When They Tell You to Tone Down, Turn Up.

“Too stern.” “Too loud.” “Too sassy.” “Too aggressive.” “Too blunt.” These are phrases that I was called throughout my career by white colleagues. A few years ago, I shared how a principal responded...

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Charter Schools

What if Two Types of Education Reform-Charter Schools and Education Savings Accounts-Merged?

The two dominant forms of school choice, charter schools and private school vouchers, have moved on parallel tracks since the 1990s. Now, the emergence of education savings accounts could bring these...

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