
student achievement

3 Tips to Help Kids Stay Focused Until Winter Break

More than ever before, teachers and families understand the importance of working together to support our students’ learning. In these last few months, teachers and families have collaborated through...

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Parent Power: Will We Choose Pitchforks or Partnerships?

After two tumultuous years of intermittent school closures, parents and caregivers are claiming their power within the education system in a new way. It ain’t always pretty. Recent board meetings...

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opportunity gap

5 Tips From States Leading the Way on Learning Recovery

With students back in classrooms and the true measure of missed learning during the pandemic becoming apparent, we at Zearn are often asked for “the one thing that schools should be doing to get...

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student support

POLL: L.A. Families Want Equity and Accountability From Next Superintendent

Sometime this winter, a new superintendent will take the helm of the Los Angeles Unified School District. According to a new poll commissioned by Great Public Schools Now in partnership with Families...

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student support

How Enacting Equity Can Decrease Holiday Trauma

As a kid, I didn’t look forward to the holidays as much as my classmates did because it meant more time in a home that was filled with trauma and inequities. My anxiety increased before breaks and I...

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If You’ve Been Silent About Child Justice, We Need You Now More Than Ever

We have a problem. The global COVID-19 pandemic has not only created a storm of challenges in policy and practice for public education; it also has fomented political and racial divisions in parent...

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