
student achievement

Schools Haven't Figured It Out, So Give Money to the Parents. We Need It.

Whether you support your state’s reopening plans or not, the reality is families locked out of learning for nearly a year are getting fed up. If you have a 6-year-old, like me, then you know online...

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student achievement

Cardona Matters, But the Most Important Decisions Will Happen at the Local Level

President Joe Biden has certainly kept busy during his first days in the Oval Office. He has issued a call for national unity, doubled down on his promise to reopen most schools in his first 100...

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I’m Glad To Be Back in the Classroom. My Students Need Me.

November 12th was our first day of school in-person since March of last year. On my drive to school, I was excited and grateful—thinking about my students who (unlike most teachers in the country) I...

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student achievement

We Must Be Disciples for Our Students in 2021

This year, due to the coronavirus pandemic, educators nationwide, and the world over, have had to adapt how they provide services to children and families. Like many of my colleagues, I too struggle...

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student achievement

Here's Why Independent Reading Matters in a Pandemic

We’re in the midst of a back-to-school season like no other. The COVID-19 pandemic has raised lots of questions about how to safely and effectively keep kids learning when traditional classroom...

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Achievement Gap

Former Sec. of Ed John King Calls on School Boards to Govern With Equity

While partisan politics has once again dominated the headlines this election season, the real stories lie with the thousands of newly-elected local officials across the country, including school...

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