student achievement
Students and Teachers Sound the Alarm on the End of DACA
Time is running out for Congress to do something about DACA protections for undocumented immigrants. If they fail to act on a long-term fix for a program begun by former President Barack Obama, the...
Achievement Gap
Some Tips for a White Teacher Trying to Stop Being Racist
I’ve been working hard at anti-racist teaching for over a decade. I’ve learned some things. I see things I didn’t see before. I hear things differently. I’m not finished, not an expert, not perfect....
If 12,000 Families Didn't Want School Choice, We Wouldn't Be Here
Every morning, I come to work thinking about our students. Not politics, or rhetoric, or the news. Just our students—all 12,000 of them. They come from every one of Chicago’s neighborhoods, as far...
student achievement
The US Is Falling Way Behind in STEM But Kentucky's Powering the Comeback
Maybe you’re already aware, but the United States isn’t exactly globally competitive in science education. As of 2015, we ranked 24th out of 71 countries included in a major international study. If...
New Mexico’s Kids Deserve Great Public Schools So We're Launching NewMexicoKidsCAN
So many things make New Mexico enchanting. There are sunsets over the Sandia Mountains, adobe buildings with hundred-year histories, lush green bosque surrounding our life-giving Rio Grande and...
Helping Students With College Essays Shouldn’t Cost Parents an Arm and a Leg
Anyone who has worked in a school can tell you that students can be tonic for the soul. Without realizing they are doing it, they pull us out of ourselves—our lousy morning, a bad mood and even a...