

Coffee Break: Check Out Nate Easley's New Plan for Creating More Great Public Schools in Denver

Blue School Partners are doing great things in the Denver area. I recently had a chance to speak with their CEO, Nate Easley, about their mission and strategy, and the unique challenges they're...

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Achievement Gap

How You Can Advocate for Your Grandchild at School

I was a product of the early civil rights era. My entire first 12 years of formal education were spent in the segregated public school system of Charlotte, Tennessee. I went to school in a one-room...

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Achievement Gap

Parents Know the Answers, We Just Have to Listen to Them

For the last two years, New Schools for Chicago has been helping thousands of families on the South and West Sides of Chicago to find their ideal public school. Parents want the ability to choose,...

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Achievement Gap

Families in Chicago Just Had a Huge Victory But Now the Real Work Begins

Yesterday, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) CEO Janice Jackson announced that three of the four high schools proposed to be closed in the South Side Englewood neighborhood will remain open to graduate...

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student achievement

Calling Out Silence on the D.C. Graduation Scandal

The selective outrage of partisan ideologues in the education space is a well-known phenomenon and nowhere is that more on display than in the muted reaction to the scandal surrounding the 2017...

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Achievement Gap

Trying to Talk About the Achievement Gap? Try This.

Politics and education are two of my favorite subjects. It’s neat when I have an opportunity to combine them. I recently listened to a speech by Gloria Ladson-Billings that did just that. I recommend...

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