

No Heat, No Food, No Books? We Still Have to Teach

Recently, my grandmother reminded me that we have too many luxuries in schools. Though we consider these necessities today for elders like my grandmother, heat, air conditioning and transportation...

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Charter Schools

This Is What a Movement to Improve Education for All Students Looks Like

I've struggled with a particular notion for many years: Do the education reform efforts of the last 25 years constitute a "movement"? How do the efforts of so many dedicated, passionate individuals...

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My Son Has Autism and This School Taught Him to Say ‘Mom’

At 5, my son, Niko, was still in diapers. He didn’t know how to communicate. He wouldn’t let anyone touch him. I was afraid for him to learn new skills because he threw fits and cried out in...

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If You're Going to Argue About Reforming School Discipline, at Least Use Facts

The false debate over discipline reform continues raging with this misleading piece in USA Today from Gail Heriot, a University of San Diego law professor and conservative member of the U.S....

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student achievement

For This D.C. Teacher, There’s Still Hope But Again It’s Deferred

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.”—Proverbs 13:12 These days when you hear about D.C. Public Schools (DCPS), you probably don’t think of students winning...

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Coffee Break: Colorado's Parents Are a Force to Be Reckoned With and This Organization Is Making Sure We Know It

If the founders of Transform Education Now (TEN) have their way, the parents of Colorado’s school kids will be the newest force to be reckoned with in 2018 and beyond. Rooted in the belief that...

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