
student achievement

Teacher Appreciation Isn’t Just Lip Service, It Actually Matters

As Teacher Appreciation Week draws to a close, it leaves in its wake both warmth and excitement, but also lingering concern. As teachers across the country are leading national debates about school...

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Charter Schools Are Full of Amazing Stories, We Just Need to Tell Them

I have one of the best jobs in the world. All year long, I work to raise awareness of the tens of thousands of schools, organizations and individuals who make a difference in the lives of children by...

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student achievement

Separate But Equal Doesn’t Work, Except When We’re Talking Graduation Ceremonies

Dear White Elementary and High School Administrators: Did you see what happened at the University of Florida’s graduation ceremony on Saturday? Did you see that White usher pushing Black graduates...

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Charter Schools

How My School Helped Me Find My Way in America, Raise Two Children and Be the First in My Family to Graduate

I was born in Congo in 1994 in the war that killed 5 million people. My family migrated to Rwanda to a refugee camp where I spent the first 18 years of my life. At the end of my time there, I gave...

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Charter Schools

I’m Concerned But Not Convinced by the NPR-Illinois Story on the Noble Charter Schools

I’m a fan of the Noble Charter School Network in Chicago because parents like the schools, they get good results for low-income kids and they are proving that poverty is not destiny. With a student...

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student achievement

I Almost Let My Own Issues Get in the Way of My Student Killing It at a Talent Show

From the jump of my educational career I’ve always identified with the troubled students, the outcasts and troublemakers. I gravitate toward them and desperately try to help. I want to keep them from...

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