

I Was Lucky to Attend a 'Good' School, But What About the Kids Who Don't

Let me tell you a tale of two schools. As the Georgia Teacher of the Year, I visit countless schools all across Georgia—observing instruction and meeting students and teachers. Recently, I visited a...

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student achievement

3 Things You Should Know About Career and Technical Education

For decades now, the education community has stated that the majority of students who drop out of high school do so not because high school is too hard, but because they are too bored by the content...

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student achievement

New Haven Is Showing What's Possible When We Invest in Kids Early

As a nation, we spend close to $600 billion per year on K-12 education, while allocating only $20 billion to childcare and educational supports for children from birth to pre-K. Studies have shown...

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My Mom Went to War to Get Me Into a School That Believes a Kid With Autism Kid Can Thrive

I have always been extremely anxious about change. Sometimes that change would lead to various levels of panic, sometimes in public. And that panic would inspire panic in those around me. Instead of...

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Here Are 4 Tips to Help Your Kids Be Their Best Selves

Raising two kids has taught me a lot about how to help children become their best selves. Four key themes have emerged in my years as a mother, and I believe they will be helpful for all the parents...

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student achievement

Personalized Learning Can Empower Kids With Special Needs When Done Right

Twenty-first century learning calls on adults in the classroom to move from a position of power to a position of empowerment. How and whether we empower all students determines our success in driving...

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