
Charter Schools

This School Year Let's Treat Our Teachers Like Celebrities

My father was a high school teacher for 30 years. My earliest memories are of him returning home in the evening after a long day in the classroom, planning lessons and grading papers late into the...

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4 Things Every Parent Needs to Prepare Their Kids for School This Year

Summer is winding down across the country and many have already returned school, or the beginning of the school year is right around the corner. Every kid deserves the chance to start school on the...

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student achievement

There's No Back to School for the Kids Who Get Shot and Killed

Outrage: They’re Dying More than 60 youth have been shot here in Chicago this year. At least 20 of those this summer and some of them won’t be returning to school this fall because they’re dead. Most...

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student achievement

Coffee Break: How Arthur VanderVeen Is Lighting a Spark Under PARCC

The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers, or PARCC, is a standardized test developed with federal funding to determine if students are meeting the Common Core State...

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How to Save Charter Schools From the Beatdown

There seems to be an organized assault on charter schools. Legal challenges, bureaucratic barriers and smear campaigns all work to destroy their reputation, deplete their finances and diminish their...

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When Students Aren't Proficient in Reading or Math, It Isn't a Shame, It's Violence

I’ve written about teacher accountability before, but I recently read a few things that got me thinking. The first was a report out of Los Angeles that showed that nearly half the teachers in Los...

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