
student achievement

The Kids Aren't Here for Half-Baked Schoolwork and Shady Politics

Outrage: If They Don’t Believe In Them, They Shouldn’t Be Teaching Them This was my story entering freshman year of college. I’d gone my whole K-12...

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I Can’t Spare My Son His Struggles, But I Can Be There When He Triumphs

The other day, I had to drag my son kicking and screaming into kindergarten. His anxiety had taken over, his mind spinning in perseveration. Kindergarten was too fast. Recess was too short. The...

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Achievement Gap

Eighth-Graders Are Doing Fifth-Grade Work. No Wonder Our Kids Aren't Ready for College.

I just read a report that, as a father, makes me question my own kid's school. I mean, if these problems are happening in so many classrooms, what are the chances they’re happening in my son’s...

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Charter Schools

There Are Charter Schools Run By the Community and For the Community

Three decades since the passage of the first charter school law, this movement of extreme promise has fallen out of favor with many of its original supporters. A growing list of educators, civil...

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Achievement Gap

That’s Right, I’m on the Roland Martin Bandwagon

Outrage: Access Still Denied Last week, my mentor and sister in the struggle, Kenya Bradshaw, dropped a gem at the LEAP InnovatEd Summit that really made me wonder if people are really down for...

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student achievement

We Need to Keep Talking About Serena Williams and the Dignity of Black Children

By now we’ve all seen the headlines after the most recent U.S. Open in which Serena Williams lost to Naomi Osaka. Yet the headlines weren’t about the match itself, they were about the courtside...

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