
student achievement

6 Steps Towards Restorative Justice in Your School

In all the talk about the importance of reducing suspensions and other exclusionary discipline practices in schools, one question looms large for most educators and administrators: What do we do...

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Here's What Happens When You Incorporate Equity Into Every Part of a School

In 2015, I co-founded Kingsman Academy Public Charter School. We welcome all high school students and center those who are overage and under-credited, who have attendance problems or have behavioral...

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student achievement

5 Things Parents and Teachers Can Do to Teach Kids Critical Thinking Skills

There’s a growing premium on critical thinking. The skill of robust reasoning is increasingly crucial for work—and a successful life. People who know how to think logically, analyze and draw...

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student achievement

If We Want to Retain and Recruit Teachers, We Have to Walk It Like We Talk It

I have attended a lot of educator conferences this year. A common theme I heard over and over again is the challenge of teacher shortages. I decided to do my own research and looked into teacher...

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student achievement

Kassie Benjamin's the Kind of Math Teacher Who Sticks With You Long After You Leave Her Classroom

Here in Minneapolis, the word around town is that South High was designed by a guy who had spent his whole career designing prisons. There are thick concrete walls and rumors of windows, though I...

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student achievement

I Traveled Across 14 States and Every Student Told Me the Same Story About Why They're Not Motivated in the Classroom

Recently I was in Dodge City, Kansas, at Red Beard Coffee on Gunsmoke Street. I walk up to a guy with a red beard—the owner—and I ask if he knows any kids I could talk with about apathy and...

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