At just 21 years old, Kegan Martindale-Hernandez is making history and breaking barriers as an African American pilot. His journey from a young aviation enthusiast to a licensed pilot is a story of...
E’leese Shelton, a remarkable 12-year-old, has achieved an extraordinary milestone by graduating high school and heading to college, setting a new benchmark for young academic achievers. E’leese...
Now that we're closing in on the end of the school year, we've been reflecting on what we've seen in classrooms across the country and where, as educators, we ought to put our collective focus going...
In recent news, a Black male teacher was terminated after sharing a TikTok video where female students were braiding his hair. This incident has sparked significant controversy, shedding light on a...
Hey Shawnta! Why do first-generation immigrant students score higher than native-born American students on all standardized achievement tests? I have been asked a version of this question many times...