
opportunity gap

I Got Rid of Course Requirements for My AP English Class and I Don't Regret It

“So you’re just going to let anyone into your AP English class?” she quipped with sarcasm and snark. “Uhm … yeah,” I responded with cool decisiveness. The scene of this conversation? A conference...

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student achievement

As the U.S. Department of Education Turns 40, the Real Battleground for Kids Lies in the States

This week marks the 40th anniversary of President Jimmy Carter signing the legislation that authorized him to create the U.S. Department of Education (ED). In light of this occasion, you might expect...

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student achievement

We Can’t Let Our Love For Our Students Morph Into Low Academic Expectations

I remember the day like it was yesterday. The year was 2013 and I was in the oval office with President Obama to receive an award for excellence in teaching. I was there as the 2013 RI Teacher of the...

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student achievement

The ELL Population Is Growing, But Where Are the Teachers to Help Them Excel?

Your first year of teaching isn’t usually filled with victories, but I’ll never forget the brightest moment of mine. It was a Friday in early May, right around state testing time, when a student...

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student achievement

One HBCU and One Black-Led Charter School Team Up to Ensure Success for Rural Students of Color

Crossroad Academy Charter School in Quincy, Florida, defies expectations. More than 90% of the school’s 530 students are Black or Hispanic, more than two-thirds qualify for free or reduced-price...

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Charter Schools

Black and Brown Students Can Learn, But You Have to Want to Teach Them

We complain about what’s wrong with the public education system all the time. Admittedly, I’m probably on the long list of tough critics. Some of our complaints stem from personal experience—I know...

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