
student achievement

We Had to Do Some Real Homework to Find the Right School for Our Child

About six years ago, my spouse and I found a home we could afford in a nice working-class neighborhood, near our families, with decent schools. At the time the schools were not the absolute best, but...

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student achievement

There Is Nothing We Can’t Fix If We Play to Win on Behalf of Children

When I returned to Education Post in May, my charge was to help us clarify our vision and set us in a new direction. I thought a lot about what would be the cardinal question to help us stay focused...

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Achievement Gap

Even in a School With an 'A' Rating, Students of Color Are Being Failed

Around the country, schools that initially impress observers with high overall test scores often lose their luster upon closer examination, when inequities in achievement by race and income become...

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Achievement Gap

Here's How We Got Educating Black Kids Wrong Again in the 2010s

Congratulations, America! You’ve once again managed to provide the shittiest public education for Black students and families. So as we close out this decade and enter a new year, I’ve taken the...

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A Teacher Asked About My Child’s Hopes and Dreams and It Changed Everything

As a child in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, I did not have a good experience in school. My teachers did not understand my ADHD, and I was labeled the “dumb kid.” I moved to this country when I was 13, but...

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student achievement

Stop Arguing About 'Equity' and Focus on Student Outcomes

There’s a major force in the education world that has attempted to claim ownership over the term “equity.” From tweets questioning the value of literacy and preparation programs (like mine) that ask...

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