
student achievement

I Know What Can Happen When a Teacher Never Gives Up on a Student

This Teacher Appreciation Week, I am reminiscing about Ms. Holmes, my fifth grade teacher. I never could understand why this woman made so many sacrifices for me, how much she truly loved me, and how...

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student achievement

The Case for Keeping Students With the Same Teacher Next Year

The months after spring break are usually the time when teachers in every school across America look forward to crystallizing an entire year’s worth of human connection, learning and special...

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We Can Unify and Win Better Schools for Our Kids. Here's How.

During my 33-year journey in public education, I’ve repeatedly experienced the power of unity in achieving desired student outcomes, especially since founding a charter public school in a high need...

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Every Class Has a 'Unicorn' Child, And We Have to Teach Them Creatively

I encountered my first "unicorn" three years ago. She burst into my classroom announcing, Hello! Nice classroom you got there. Oh ... thank you. Are you a student at this school? Or, are you lost? In...

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My 7-Year-Old Helped Frame Her IEP Goals

Having a child with a disability, and becoming disabled myself, has put me through a boot-camp that prepared me for the war for quality services for folks with disabilities. I had to learn a new...

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student achievement

As a Black Male Educator, I Get to Be a Superhero for Students Too Often Left Behind

Teaching is one of my greatest gifts. Seeing my mother’s life’s work as a teacher in Dekalb County created my blueprint for what the life of a "game-changer" looks like, and the many influential...

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