
student achievement

First-Gen Students, The World Needs Us Now More Than Ever

Dear High School and Undergraduate Seniors, I am no expert. This my story, and I hope it is one many of you can relate to and refer to for motivation whenever you’re feeling like giving up. I don’t...

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student achievement

I’m a Black Woman on My Way to Becoming a Doctor Because I Never Gave Up

I grew up believing that excellence is not an option, but rather an obligation. I breezed through high school. I didn’t have to study hard to do well on a test. I just got it. [pullquote]School came...

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student achievement

We Know Mississippi Can Improve Its Schools, If Only Our Leaders Would Get On Board

The state of Mississippi is often the butt of many jokes revolving around intelligence and education—or lack thereof. These jokes don’t happen for no reason; less than 22% of Mississippi students...

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opportunity gap

ZIP Code May Not Be Destiny, But It's as Hard to Fight as Gravity

One Saturday I was picking my daughter up from a birthday party at one of those modern-day upscale arcades, and I was surprised to run into one of my students. I was so pleased to see him on a random...

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Charter Schools

COVID-19 Has Been a Masterclass in Family and Student Partnerships

Like many of our charter public school peers, our school deeply values and relies heavily on feedback from our school community. At Match Charter Public School in Boston, we typically survey students...

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student achievement

Here's How a Trauma-Informed Approach to Remote Teaching Can Help Students Succeed

Every teacher in every school has students who have experienced or are living with trauma in their lives—and many recognize that the trauma may be escalating with school closures. [pullquote]We’re...

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