Happy 2025! Longtime readers will know that CRPE prides itself on “thinking forward.” We make straight-out predictions from time to time, but we mostly look around the corner at looming trends,...
As a gender-fluid, neurodivergent student who has surmounted dozens of hurdles to get from high school to college, I am all too familiar with the reasons why trans youth go into higher education in...
We’re calling out charter schools and charter advocates who espouse a commitment to equity for all marginalized students but who, in practice, appear comfortable failing students with disabilities....
Hey Shawnta! Does dyslexia present differently in gifted or multi-exceptional learners? Signed, Tenacious Teacher - because we all need a good alliteration If I could earn one more certification, it...
Sometime this winter, a new superintendent will take the helm of the Los Angeles Unified School District. According to a new poll commissioned by Great Public Schools Now in partnership with Families...