

Why We've Got to Talk About Race If We Want to Achieve Education Equity

Our inability as a nation to engage in difficult conversations about race has left us with a lack of agreement on how to define equity. Yes, equity is about closing achievement gaps between White...

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Achievement Gap

When I Realized No One Cared About My Students With Special Needs, I Chose to Raise My Voice

As a first-year teacher of students with disabilities in a large urban district, I faced huge inequities that even other teachers and principals overlooked. I taught a classroom full of students as...

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There Are Small Things We Can Do Every Day to Make Our LGBT Students Feel Safe

The same four students hang out together in front of my classroom most mornings. One set is female and the other male. I do not have these students in my classes, and they have never participated in...

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student achievement

For This D.C. Teacher, There’s Still Hope But Again It’s Deferred

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.”—Proverbs 13:12 These days when you hear about D.C. Public Schools (DCPS), you probably don’t think of students winning...

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Principals Can't Build Strong Schools When They Have to Spend So Much Time on Discipline

Recently, East Providence High School’s wrestling team was caught with alcohol, drugs and vaping products on a team trip. As punishment, the wrestling season came to an abrupt and early end. But...

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student achievement

Training Teachers in Relationship Building Is Key to Any School Discipline Reform

Reformers and education experts in Washington have spent months debating school discipline policy. But these debates have overlooked a key element successful practitioners have long understood, and...

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