
student support

Yes, You Can Give Teachers Challenging and Culturally Relevant Materials. Just Look at Chicago.

Two-thirds of Chicago’s teachers spend hours on the weekend scouring websites like Pinterest and Teachers Pay Teachers because they say they don’t have up-to-date, culturally relevant curricula—and...

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student achievement

My School's Dual Language Immersion Program Helps Immigrant Students Blossom Into Leaders

It’s the first week of the 2018-19 year in my second grade classroom at Munger Mountain Elementary School, and one girl sits apart from the rest of the class. For privacy, let’s call her Rosa (not...

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School Discipline

Here's Why I Say No to Recess Detention, and You Should, Too

Recess Detention. The low-hanging fruit of punishments. The easiest thing to take away from a child because they owe us something. At best, it’s a punitive measure that denies young students the...

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Teachers Can’t Take Care of Their Students If They Don’t Take Care of Themselves First

I remember vividly the first time I put my head on my desk and cried during my lunch period. The bell to end the fourth period and move to lunch had just rung, and a student was lingering behind...

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By the End of My Third Year, I Was in Therapy. We Must Start Taking Teachers' Emotional Health Seriously.

We all know the female elementary school teacher stereotype, perhaps best portrayed by the iconic Jessica Day from New Girl: bubby, cheerful, exquisitely put-together, good, meek, nice singer, nice...

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Social Emotional Learning Needs to Become How We Do School Not Just Another Thing We Do at School

Earlier this month, the fire alarm went off at my school as students were entering the building in the morning. For most people, this signifies something mundane: quickly leave the building and spend...

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