
student achievement

Here's How We Helped Hundreds of Low-Income Students Achieve This Summer, Despite the Pandemic

This spring, as schools limped across the virtual learning finish line, the consensus on virtual learning amongst educators was that this form of schooling could never match the quality of in-person...

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3 Questions Every Educator Should Ask to Prepare for School This Year

There are some things we understand much better today than we did four months ago. Leading school districts and schools of all grade levels during the COVID-19 pandemic has become the greatest...

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What If We Radically Reimagined the New School Year?

Monday night I sat on my back patio staring up into a rare, starry Chicago night. I squinted and made out each point of The Big Dipper and then turned to see what I decided was Mars, twinkling in the...

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student achievement

City Year Offers Schools a Research-Backed Guide to Plan for Next Year

When our students return to school this fall, it won’t be “business as usual” for them—or for any of us. Student success—particularly during this disruptive moment in schooling—requires not only...

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Achievement Gap

Let's Focus on Our Students' Health and Humanity, Not on 'Getting Back to Normal'

Jessica N. Ewalt, Ph.D., is an educator in the Gwinnett County Public School system. Her research focuses on the implications of critical race theory in high school social studies classrooms. Matthew...

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This Moment Demands a New, Race-Conscious Approach to Education

All across the country confederate statues are coming down, schools and road names are changing too. In my home state, New Mexico, we’re beginning to address our statues, buildings and roads that...

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