

My Teacher Didn't Know How To Be Culturally Responsive, But These Standards Will Help the Next Generation of Teachers

When I was eleven, my teacher divided our class into groups of four to complete a project on the United States Constitution. The three other members of my group, all Hispanic, had already gathered...

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Social Emotional Learning

We Need to Provide Gender Identity-Affirming Mirrors for Our Youngest Learners

J, a seven-year-old boy in my classroom, was bright and energetic, always wanting to help and always starting the day with a smile. J liked to play fashion shows, paint nails and ballet dance. The...

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How Do We 'IGNITE' Social Change in the Next Generation of Leaders?

The impact of COVID-19 on the education community was astonishing. Educators pivoted all of their curricula to a virtual landscape for the first time. Guardians found themselves supplementing as...

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Teachers Shouldn't Tiptoe Around Politics When It Directly Impacts Our Students

“Don’t talk politics and religion at the dinner table.” I presume I’m not the only one who was brought up with this unspoken rule. With a politically-neutral immigrant father and a politically silent...

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Achievement Gap

Students of Color Are Depending on You November 3. Don't Throw Away Your Shot.

On the eve of America’s 244th birthday, the critically acclaimed play, "Hamilton," debuted on Disney+, making the cultural touchstone available to millions in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic....

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School Boards Have Too Much Power They Aren’t Using to Fix Education

Considered me triggered. Again. This past Sunday my 8 Black Hands crew did a show on the missing importance of school boards, and then this article pops up saying the National School Boards...

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