With election season upon us, like clockwork, the collective efforts to stifle the political opinions of educators has begun. Navigating this climate requires a nuanced dance, as we strive to...
Co-authored by Lauren Jacobs, a Senior Consultant at the Partnership for the Future of Learning. In 1967, Elvis Presley released “Run On,” his version of the old folk song, “God’s Gonna Cut You...
Two weeks ago, the governor of my state directed $32 million dollars in funds from the federal Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) fund to create scholarships to K-12 private schools. This...
For millions of K-12 students, the pandemic has led to unprecedented interruptions of critical education and services. Many students will continue to fall behind and face stunted educational...
Last Sunday educators, students, and families marched in Philadelphia demanding a long overdue anti-racist action in the city’s schools, insisting that anti-racism “be the overarching theme of every...