Letting parents choose the school or schooling that best fits their child shouldn't be so controversial. We don’t question the right of people to choose what to eat, where to live, what doctor to...
I am punching above my weight. I am no education policy wonk, nor am I a mover or shaker in America’s larger educational conversation. But a recent blog post by the well-known edu-legends Carol...
I recently attended the Education Post Blogger Summit in Montgomery, Alabama. Of the many inspiring moments, the one that hit me hardest was when Alma Marquez recounted the time she called out the...
As the Illinois Teacher of the Year, I meet fellow educators at events all the time. We exchange funny anecdotes about education in our respective communities. We compare. We contrast. We laugh. We...
With another school year upon us, here are 10 issues facing public education in no particular order. They range from the structural to the cultural but they all share one thing in common: they are...