I was in my sophomore year at an all-boys’ Catholic high school in the Bronx the first time I saw a school administrator lay hands on a student. We had a very strict dress code that included being...
As a school-based social worker for over eight years, I know firsthand how punitive discipline practices impact students both in the short and long term. In the short term, students are often harshly...
We know that students of color and those with disabilities are disproportionately suspended and expelled from public schools, whether in district or charter. The Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC),...
Let’s face it: 2017 was a really rough year for education, and all things political. So 2018 leaves us ample room to up our game—as individuals working with children, as schools and as political...
Since having a child diagnosed with special needs, I've learned so much about navigating the special-education process. First thing: the special education system is a hot mess—even for savvier...