The enslavement, segregation and brutality of Black communities has been the bloody heirloom to White America for centuries. And the prison-industrial complex has been a vital component of such...
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos recently assembled a school safety commission that will explore the need to repeal guidance that helps schools discipline students without discriminating. Scrapping...
In the 19 years since the shooting at Columbine High School took the lives of 12 students and one teacher, more than 187,000 students in at least 193 primary or secondary schools have experienced a...
Last week, two Black men were arrested for sitting in a Starbucks here in Philadelphia. They were waiting for a friend who arrived shortly after his friends had been handcuffed. The men were...
The latest Government Accountability Office analysis of school discipline policies has everyone talking about the disproportionate rates at which Black students are disciplined in school. It’s not...
Many people of privilege, myself included, have a hard time looking in the mirror and confronting their own racism. They will do anything to justify it. Case in point: conservative thinker Heather...