Stop Berating Black and Brown Parents Over Charters (and Give Your Twitter Fingers a Rest)
I read too many education arguments for my own good. It’s a known issue in my household. The argument I find most cringe-inducing is the fight over charter schools. With the news that Secretary DeVos...
Achievement Gap
Without TFA, I Never Would Have Become the Principal I Am Today
My journey in the world of education started as a freshman at Howard University. Although I was a political science major, I always held a very strong interest in issues pertaining to education, and...
Parents Do Care, They Just Have to Work, Too
When parents have to work two or even three jobs at a time to make ends meet, their schedule is stretched tight. Many times they can’t be present at morning or midday parent meetings at their...
I'm Tired and Pissed Off About Our Sorry Education System But I'm Still Fighting
I always thought I was super smart. Until I got to college. Even though I lived in Englewood, one of Chicago’s toughest neighborhoods, I attended accelerated programs and magnet schools from...
School Choice
Chicago's Schools Are 'Pretty Good,' But That's Not Good Enough
I have spent the last 15 years of my life committed to serving students across Chicago as a teacher and a leader. But today, I am writing as the mother of two beautiful daughters—two girls who are...
It Doesn't Take Millions to Support Students' Mental Health
Brand-new charter school Washington Leadership Academy (WLA) has already drawn national attention for its commitment to incorporating the latest in tech, including virtual reality, into student...