We can’t get away from the guns. When our family moved from Chicago to Denver about five years ago, guns were a part of the reason. I had worked as the main spokesperson for the Chicago Public...
Being from Michigan, generally, is a wonderful thing. Great people, Great Lakes, you get the picture. When it’s not so wonderful, however, is when you have to explain to other Michiganders that, in...
Someone finally got it right on who’s got the best school choice system. Every now and again I’d come across a research paper that ranks big-city school districts on the system they have in place for...
There has been no education leader more critical to the progress and stability of the Denver Public Schools (DPS) than Mary Seawell. She was a strong and steady hand as president of a sharply-divided...
I homeschooled my son Joseph until he was 4 years old. Then I found Legacy Charter School, just by walking down the street. If I hadn’t found Legacy I would still be homeschooling him. I don’t want...