The lights are ready to beam bright, the NBC News graphics team is probably demanding raises after working on introductions for 20 candidates and Miami-area dry cleaners are likely working overtime...
In 2016, I gave money to the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign. It was and remains the first and only time I have ever given a financial contribution to a political candidate. This morning, I got...
There is no honor in the world like being a teacher. And in a school, every single person can play a teaching role. In fact, even our students can be their teachers’ teachers. Maye-gan Brown has...
I’m on a mission to call everybody out who’s not working in the best interest of kids, all 2019. On this week’s list is Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and the Democrats. Strange bedfellows but...
In a recent statement to Congress, Betsy DeVos, the nation’s education chief, made the following statement: Students may be better served by being in larger classes, if by hiring fewer teachers, a...