Here's Why 'No Politics in the Classroom' Isn't Working for Marginalized Students
Which of the following is too political to be displayed in a public school teacher’s classroom? We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. One nation, under God, with...
We Can’t Avoid Politics. Here’s How to Bring Them Into the Classroom
Only days after the projected presidential results, a microphone unmutes with shuffling in the backdrop, and a doubtful guise on the face of a teenage, Dominican high schooler appears. "Dr. Harvey, I...
I’m Empowering My Students to Lead Conversations About Race
In late September, I began my class with my usual prompt: Is there anything in the news you’d like to share? My students would generally talk about the presidential election or COVID-19, but today...
The Elections Are Over, But Education Politics Aren't. Are You Ready?
Elections have consequences. This phrase is often cited, and in the wake of last week’s elections, I find myself alongside other educators, reeling in the wake of the consequences that are already...
Vote Local Day 5: Care About Schools? Vote Local. (ft. Alina Adams) Yes, there is a big national election happening. But if you really want to improve policy in education, we need to #VoteLocal. New...
Think Your Vote Doesn't Matter? Then Vote Local.
National media is entirely preoccupied by Joe Biden and Donald Trump’s ongoing barroom brawl. But there are 95,000 other seats across America up for grabs in our local towns and cities; in fact,...