Teachers Shouldn't Tiptoe Around Politics When It Directly Impacts Our Students
“Don’t talk politics and religion at the dinner table.” I presume I’m not the only one who was brought up with this unspoken rule. With a politically-neutral immigrant father and a politically silent...
student support
There Is a Right Way to Process Current Events With Your Students
The certification of the electoral votes from the 2020 election was already going to be a contentious issue, but the events that transpired go far beyond politicians yelling at each other on C-SPAN....
Our Students Need More Than Our Outrage, They Need Dialogue
On the afternoon of last Wednesday’s attempted insurrection at the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C., Twitter was a refuge. While living and working in pandemic-related isolation, educators...
student achievement
We Must Be Disciples for Our Students in 2021
This year, due to the coronavirus pandemic, educators nationwide, and the world over, have had to adapt how they provide services to children and families. Like many of my colleagues, I too struggle...
Here's Why 'No Politics in the Classroom' Isn't Working for Marginalized Students
Which of the following is too political to be displayed in a public school teacher’s classroom? We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. One nation, under God, with...
We Can’t Avoid Politics. Here’s How to Bring Them Into the Classroom
Only days after the projected presidential results, a microphone unmutes with shuffling in the backdrop, and a doubtful guise on the face of a teenage, Dominican high schooler appears. "Dr. Harvey, I...