Childish Gambino's 'This Is America' Should Be Taught in Every Classroom
This is America. Whenever I have read or heard that phrase, it is followed by another bold phrase, or statement. This is America. Land of the Free. Home of the Brave. This is America. The greatest...
So This Is What You Call ‘Teacher Appreciation’?
It’s Teacher Appreciation Day. But I have to admit it’s kind of a weird time to collect a free burrito and feel “appreciated.” In some places, like my home state of Minnesota, we do OK on salary, but...
Charter Schools
I’m Concerned But Not Convinced by the NPR-Illinois Story on the Noble Charter Schools
I’m a fan of the Noble Charter School Network in Chicago because parents like the schools, they get good results for low-income kids and they are proving that poverty is not destiny. With a student...
It Would Be So Easy for Me to Stop Caring About Race. But Then That Would Be Stupid.
It would be so easy to stop caring about race. Yes, I can only say this because I’m White. Yes, I can only say this because I’ve been so tempted so many times. It would be so easy, and I wouldn’t...
Charter Schools
The Push for Better Schools Is Paying Off in Florida
If you live in Florida, and especially if you have children here, there’s good news for you (well, for us): Florida schools are getting better. Maybe you’ve noticed recent news lamenting the fact...
In Arizona, We Are Walking Out for Our Students
I love my profession. I love my colleagues. I love my students. But I have become so hurt by the situation that exists in my state involving education. Public education has been the primary path...