

I Can’t Spare My Son His Struggles, But I Can Be There When He Triumphs

The other day, I had to drag my son kicking and screaming into kindergarten. His anxiety had taken over, his mind spinning in perseveration. Kindergarten was too fast. Recess was too short. The...

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If You Want to Keep Kids in Your School, Parents Need to Buy What You're Selling

No matter the school, the goal is to ensure students know and feel that they are welcomed, valued and that the staff appreciates students attending every day. It is important that this feeling...

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Here's What Hurricane Florence Is Teaching My Kids

The other day I found myself, just like all the other teachers in my school, leading a monthly character lesson. This one happened to be on empathy. My students and I talked about the novel,...

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Coffee Break: Tim Daly on How EdNavigator Helps Parents Make School Choice Work

Three years ago, Tim Daly and two colleagues left TNTP (The New Teacher Project) and launched a new effort called EdNavigator. The organization aims to help parents negotiate school choice decisions...

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These School Supply Lists Can Drive a Girl Crazy

Oh joy, the school supply lists arrived by email this week. Of course, as many of you know, this is only the first round of supply lists, the one that we learned a long time ago doesn’t always jibe...

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Here's How Daniel Anello and Kids First Chicago Put Families in the Position to Succeed

In all my years of working to bring better school choices to families on Chicago’s South and West Sides, it’s always blown my mind that people don’t take the time to listen to what these families...

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