

Coffee Break: Lori Barden on What Works Best for Schools and Why More Parents Should Run for Political Office

Lori Barden is a parent of two school-aged boys, Tanner (7) and Will (12), who attend an intentionally diverse public charter school in Rhode Island. She just completed a run to become District 59...

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I Walked My Daughter to School and Here's What I Learned Along the Way

Recently I joined hundreds of fathers and male mentors at my daughter’s school for their annual “ Dads Walk Your Child to School Day.” As I looked around at the dads, uncles, big brothers,...

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Coffee Break: Minneapolis' Erin Clotfelter on Special Education, The Belief Gap and Coffee in Bed

Erin Ecklund Clotfelter is the mother of four: 7-year-old twins who were diagnosed with autism at age 2, a 6-year-old recently diagnosed with ADHD, and a 2-year-old. She lives in Minneapolis’...

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Sex Ed Isn't Enough, Our Schools Should Be Teaching Sexual Consent

My family and I know an adorable toddler who loves to chase other children and kiss them. My soon-to-be 5-year-old daughter is mortified by him. When he comes to lay one on her, she screams “No!”...

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How to Have 'The Talk' With Your Black Students When They Return to School

Eric Holder stated that in his version of "the talk," which he hoped to not have to “[hand] down,” that “as a father who loves his son and who is more knowing in the ways of the world, I had to do...

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It’s Time for Parents to Speak UP

When parents at Broadway Elementary School’s Mandarin immersion program in Venice, California, wanted the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) to reverse its decision to cut the incoming...

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