

Meet las Familias Latinas Por La Educación. These Families Won't Be Ignored.

Throughout my 20 year career in Houston, I have fought for Latino parents and caregivers to be considered equal members of their local school systems and to be included in the education...

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A Calendar, a Plan and Friends Can Make Unexpected School Closures Rewarding and Productive for Your Kids

This piece was originally published on November 12, 2019. It has been updated in light of the recent response to COVID-19. Although only a handful of schools and districts have so far closed in the...

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We Can Unify and Win Better Schools for Our Kids. Here's How.

During my 33-year journey in public education, I’ve repeatedly experienced the power of unity in achieving desired student outcomes, especially since founding a charter public school in a high need...

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Every Class Has a 'Unicorn' Child, And We Have to Teach Them Creatively

I encountered my first "unicorn" three years ago. She burst into my classroom announcing, Hello! Nice classroom you got there. Oh ... thank you. Are you a student at this school? Or, are you lost? In...

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National Parents Union Emerges to Disrupt Education Conversation

When it comes to education news and policy, we are used to hearing about the involvement of a union. However, typically the unions only represent the teachers. A new organization wants to change...

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A Teacher Asked About My Child’s Hopes and Dreams and It Changed Everything

As a child in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, I did not have a good experience in school. My teachers did not understand my ADHD, and I was labeled the “dumb kid.” I moved to this country when I was 13, but...

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