

When You Come at the Mom-in-Chief, You’d Best Not Miss

No one likes to read hit pieces that attack the work and the integrity of the people we care about and it is especially annoying when the attack dogs get their facts wrong and leave out important and...

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What Do Baltimore Parents Want? Advanced Academics and Help Choosing Schools

When it comes to school choice, opportunity in theory isn’t enough. We must ensure that families have the know-how to exercise choice wisely and that students in every elementary school leave fully...

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This Parent-Friendly Tool for Checking School Grades Could Go National

Do your kids go to a good school? “Good” depends on who you ask, of course, but if you’re interested in knowing how well a school is helping kids pass reading, math and science courses, or helping...

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Is Politics the Problem in Education or the Solution?

Politics is at the heart of so much that is wrong with public education. On the left, education politics is often about increasing funding while evading responsibility for results. On the right, it’s...

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When Parents Don't Trust School Vouchers, Community Advocates Can Lead Them to Tax-Credit Scholarships

On Lawrence Avenue in Chicago, sandwiched between a quesadilla restaurant and Helen’s Hair Design, sits a tiny, nondescript storefront. Inside, at Asian Youth Services (AYS), quiet miracles have been...

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You Can’t Just Trust Your Instincts, You Actually Have to Go Ask the Parents What They Think

“In God we trust. All other bring data.” —W. Edward Demming Right now, our school, Nashville Classical Charter School, is planning to open a middle school in two years. We’re spending a lot of time...

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